Posted by: csdivakar | September 2, 2012

My Learning from Innovation Workshop

As Peter Drucker defines “Change that creates a new Dimension of performance”, this work shop made a change and shown me a path to a new dimension of Performance.

Key Learning from the Workshop : –

StoryTelling by Mr. Sankaranaryanan :-

  • Shared how he turned Sick a Company to 1000+ crores organization.
    • Identify the Key Problems in your organization. As a Chairman, he integrated the whole system and solved.
    • Burning problems of customers is an opportunity to innovate which can lead new business.  Interesting examples like educating a customer or vendor will help lot to sustain in business.
    • Show your product  or make your customer to visualize the outcome or “TO-BE State”
    • Interestingly he is aged 70+ and the way he exhibited energy is fantastic.

Creative Mindset:-

I was very much thrilled to know about Creativitywhack cards (deck of 64 cards with illustrations and strategies for stimulating creativity).

According to me , this is the best example of “Connect the Dots” . Roger Von Oech ( who connected his thought with brilliant 64 creativity strategies is the example of out-of-box thinking.

The four roles in the Creativity Process :-

The Explorer :-

The Explorer is always in search of new things. He is relentlessly curious and never limits himself to a particular area of experience and knowledge. To have ideas is to connect dots. First and foremost you need lots of dots to connect — you need fuel for the formation of new ideas.

The Artist :-

The artist has ideas. He takes the raw materials from the Explorer and combines them in novel ways.

The Judge :-

The Judge is all about “getting real”. His job is to analyze the Artist’s wild ideas and assess if they’re practical — in the real world.

The Warrior:-

The Warrior’s job is to make ideas happen. For that, you’ll need not only a strategy and plan of action but to put in the hours — fight the daily fight.

That means remaining productive, developing the resilience and courage to overcome obstacles and, of course, being able to sell your ideas — whatever’s necessary to materialize them.

Interesting Lessons from Ashish Rajpal (@ashishrajpal) : – ( Managing Director of idiscoveri)

Amazing session on How to build a culture:-

Ashish changed the culture of the workshop in a different way by introducing himself and also he motivated others to follow the same model. He started with his Big Bang approach.

Asish explained, “To Change the culture, underlying beliefs need to change” . A profound statement and he shared with a metaphor of Tree.

“Fruits are symbols of Culture”

“Trunk are Practices” or “Symbols emanates Practices”

“Root of the tree are Underlying Beliefs or Assumptions”.

If we need to build an innovation culture, we need to have an underlying belief to innovate.

He showed a video from IDEO to explain which shared the same belief system. (

Following are my top 5 key takeaways from the Video:-

To solve a problem:-

  1. Multicultural Team or Diversified people to be involved. ( Ex. Anthropologist, Biologist etc)
  2. One Conversation at a Time
  3. Stay focused on Topic
  4. Encourage wild ideas
  5. Not to criticize other’s ideas.

The framework he shared for building an Innovation Culture is remarkable. ( SIPA)


It was fulfilling and wonderful Saturday to learn more about Innovation from Innovation Evangelists.

About Inception Business Services: Inception Business Services (IBS – This is the first workshop of Inception and the founders arranged it in an innovative way. Thanks to organisers and their goodie ( Bookmark ) also very innovative.

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